Wednesday, January 26, 2011

No Snow Day - !?

Here are some photos of my commute to work this morning.

It usually takes me about 25 minutes; today it took 1 hour and 10 minutes.

While the sand/brine mixture is a nice gesture, a plow really would have been the best choice.  Sand or "brine" turns the 4" of snow into 4" of slushy muddy mix, and without a plow, that slushy muddy mix remains on the road.

We had a 90 minute delay last Friday for a very small amount of snow.  Much less than what we have today.  No early dismissal for me either.

Here's what the next 24 hours will look like:


Actually, since taking that screen shot, the rain piece has been removed from the forecast.  Now it's just rain, snow, sleet til 4 -- then snow and sleet after 4. 

I'm thinking my speedwork may have to wait til tomorrow :(  They're saying no unnecessary driving, and I don't know that a short speedwork session constitutes necessary driving to the gym.  We'll see how slick it is when I get home!

Anyone else getting this crazy storm right now?


  1. SO MUCH SNOW!!! AHHHH!! An 70 minute commute...holy cow! I LOVE your lulu bag and those cookies look AMAZING!! Don't freeze! We had a little snow yesterday but not bad at all!

  2. my goodness that is one scary commute! I would be terrified.

  3. i'm sorry about your commute. that's truly awful.

  4. Wednesday morning was bad!! We ended up getting an additional 12" that night so we had a snow day today (and I drove no where!) Apparently they weren't able to clear the roads well enough today (seriously!?) so I already got a call that we have a 90 minute delay tomorrow morning!


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